
TOP 6 THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A MARTIAL ARTS CLUB Deciding you’d like to try a martial arts class is a great decision, but with so much choice how do you choose? Simple … go and see different clubs, talk to the coaches and try their classes! When you

3 REASONS WHY KARATE IS THE PERFECT SPORT FOR WOMEN IN THEIR 40’S As we get older we often see our age as a barrier to accessing a new sport. In addition, there is also a chasm of misconceptions to bridge around karate, which can diminish women’s confidence to give

WOMEN’S SAFETY AND THE ROLE OF SELF DEFENCE TRAINING I recently had the pleasure of delivering a karate, empowerment and self-defence workshop to a fantastic group of women who regularly meet to try new things, grow new friendships and support each other. The people were lovely, the venue was nice,

The art of learning a Martial Art Over the last 30 years I have coached thousands of people in karate. Although coaching style changes according to the age and ability of the student, one thing is undeniable – like many complex skills, learning karate requires a huge amount of time,